Monday 22 June 2015




We are sure it goes without saying that we all have an understanding and accept that the systems in place that Govern this Planet are very much in need of change.  The minimum that is required from this broken system is emergency repair and/or a complete restructuring. We are sure that we also agree that the main culprits in this broken system are the Banking Institutions, Governments, International Corporations and the hidden agendas that are manipulating Human Conscious Perception around the World. 

In order to move forward it is essential to understand the past. If we require a new style of Governance, it would first be prudent before we consider any changes within our Global Governments to understand how we have collectively arrived at our present situation today with a very disconnected style of Governance resulting in a very broken culture that increasingly disenfranchises the masses and rewards the privileged with more power and material wealth.   It is most important to have a fuller understanding of why a system has failed if we require a new system that does not follow exactly the same path as our current system. 

We do have a Great Plan.  This plan is very achievable and with passion and commitment we can embody these higher Truths and make it so.  A Blue Print for an elevated Social Society for All of Humanity, one that is freely available and inclusive of every soul on this planet. 
What we require now is a New Culture that is based upon Aspiration, Fairness and Relevant Policies in Governance that focus upon Goodness and Upliftment for All.  Imagine a Social Society that Aspires towards Perfection in all manner of ways; a Social Society that is excited about Upliftment and a journey into a Harmonious Future for all of Humanity; a Social Society whose focus comes from Happiness, Harmony, Contentment, Peace, Joy, Creativity, Nurturing, Caring and Understanding; a Social Society existing in the Loving frequency of Co-operation, transcending the destructive elements of Competing; a Social Society that embraces technology and advancement for the Upliftment of all of Humanity. 

Imagine the excitement in our hearts when contemplating, exploring the infinite wonders of the Universe, or engineering Consciousness into technologies that will transport us there, or fine tuning sciences to understand the nature of all things and the wonderment of All Creation; imagine the New Technologies of Free Energy Devices, new modes of Global Transportation; imagine a Global Social Society that exists harmoniously with our mother Earth that has transcended any need for conflict, disharmony and retribution; a Global Community that Co-operates in the freely available frequency of Love, that has transcended any need for a Monetary System and all of Earth's inhabitants exist with abundance in all aspects of their lives.  Imagine the bedtime stories that will ignite the hearts of all children as they contemplate their part in this Great Story. 

If we define ourselves by envisioning the highest idea of who we are – then all that is required is to journey into that Truth.  If we allow others to define our realities for us  - then we diminish our own visionary power and journey into the shadows of ourselves……….. 




It would first be prudent before we consider any changes within our Global Governments to understand how we have collectively arrived at our present situation today with a very disconnected style of governance resulting in a very broken culture that increasingly disenfranchises the masses and rewards the privileged with more power and materialism.  If our discussion is primarily, at least at this stage, concerned with a new style of governance (which we will term just for convenience throughout this discussion as NMP) we will first explore how we have arrived at our present dysfunctional situation.

Historically, at least in the ‘western style’ of governance, around the beginning of the last century (1900s) with changing social circumstances, a new style of politics came into being.  Here, we will focus on the United Kingdom to explore this model of governance.  During previous centuries of hierarchical control from either Kings, Queens and Religious Institutions or the conveniently installed Parliaments, the masses were certainly not privileged in the same way as were the relatively few that made up the privileged classes.  At this same historical time the Industrial Revolution, New Sciences in Engineering, Global Exploration and Exploitation were in full steam. 

The old style of governance at this stage was rapidly becoming less and less appropriate and not fit for purpose with the new World Changes and it certainly did not advantage ‘the masses’.  The ‘status quo’ was changing from the assumed position of where everyone knew their place. Parliament remained disconnected from the masses and continued to operate in a similar fashion, as did the previous string of hierarchal controllers and where the masses continued to live out their lives, little better than serfs or slaves to their masters.  What was required by ‘the masses’ at these changing times, was a new style of governance that would at least start a process to transfer some new privileges to ‘the masses’ in a way that had never before been experienced in the United Kingdom.  Where for the first time, parliament representing the ‘New State’ would start to seriously look at ‘caring for’ and ‘serving’ in the best interests of ‘the masses’.  This new society for the first time, now seriously had ‘social reform’ in its sights for the ‘new workforce’ that was the powerhouse of the industrial revolution. 

A new style of Social Governance was born.  New politicians such as Lloyd George had to find new ways of attracting new voters at election times, through a political party voting system to support his political party.  Lloyd George and other cabinet members hatched a plan of ‘enticement’.  There was little doubt that the work force that powered the Industrial Revolution was underpaid, overworked and exploited by their masters and therefore this system required a humanitarian change.  This humanitarian change came disguised in a new type of Conservative Social Party that promised a ‘new and more comfortable way of life’ for ‘the masses’. Again, Lloyd George and his cabinet members offered their voters, for the very first time, a new State Pension Scheme, free Health Care and Education for everyone, in short, the state would now look after you and take care of your future interests.  At that time, this new system seemed very fair and brought about the beginning of a ‘new balance’ into an ‘old system’ that was very much ‘out of balance’.  This was the birth of the Nanny State.

These promises worked.   A New Era in party politics was born.  It really didn’t matter from here on what political party the politicians represented: if you wanted votes all you had to do was to promise a better future that was accompanied by something more than you already had now. This ‘freebee’ would come in the form of a Social Gift.   These same politicians told you that this was a gift that you deserved and that it came from a party that cared for you, a new spin on Party Politics to get your votes.  With this new style of politics and its ‘spin promising politicians’ no one at that time had any idea that these ‘seemingly’ necessary social changes that also gave them their mandate to govern, would take society into a new Social Revolution, the outcome of which we are now forced to deal with today.  Historically speaking, Lloyd George, Winston Churchill and other cabinet members of that period have been credited with being the architects of Great Social Reform.  Today, we are burdened with this Colossal Debt that has been incurring over decades in an attempt to Finance these Social Gifts from a politically based Economy that cannot afford to privilege the masses in a way that was originally conceived of by these architects of reform. 

For example, what was initially offered as an enticement for the first time ever in British history was an Old Age Pension for ‘the masses’ that would commence at 60 years of age. The State now promised to give people a liveable State Pension for the rest of their lives as a reward for a lifetime's work.  This enticement sounded great, however, in reality, the average life expectancy at that time for a male was 48 years.  So in practice, relatively very few people received this state pension.   Indeed, statistically there were approximately 20 ‘working men’ at that time, for every one man drawing a State Pension.  This enticement worked and the votes rolled in.  This State Pension was economically affordable for the government at that time and was underutilised by ‘the masses’. 

Moving forward, during the 1940’s the pension age was raised to 65 as life expectancy was increasing and here statistically, there were now only 10 ‘working men’ for every one man drawing a State Pension.  Today, the pension age has again risen to 67 years, however, the life expectancy for a man is at least 74 years of age and rising, and now there are statistically only 2 ‘working men’ for every one man drawing a State Pension.  Just to be clear on this point, what was initially affordable has now became unaffordable and the UK government now has to borrow tens of billions of pounds every year to make up the ‘short fall’ to maintain these State Pensions.  Indeed, it is important to remember that our governments ‘world-wide’ do not ask our permission to ‘draw down’ these enormous loans on ‘our behalf’.   These loans are unaffordable and in reality, may never be repaid and are therefore the responsibility of our future generations, long after the politicians have retired or have been replaced by new party politicians.  None of these politicians are ever held accountable for their actions nor are they accountable for not fulfilling their empty promises.  Also remember, that this Old Age State Pension as outlined above was just one of the many promises made to entice the voter. These promises were made a 100 years or so ago as a part of a social revolution which at that time was thought to be necessary but is now totally unaffordable and now not fit for purpose.

To gain a clearer overview of the gross mismanagement of our society through politics we need to add to this list of disastrous outcomes, all the other promises made (failed and fulfilled) and how they were funded, giving us a clearer ‘state of financial affairs’ or more accurately, ‘mismanaged state of affairs’.  Then when you add to this list the National Debts incurred through ‘War and Defence’ by these same politicians, we would have to wonder why we have collectively allowed this situation to occur and over such a long period of time. 

It is most important at this stage to clarify the economics within this situation.  The United Kingdom Governments have been borrowing money for approximately the last 100 years to pay for these Social Gifts including the State Pensions as mentioned above, as well as the myriads of other loans in order to cover the yearly deficit shortfall on behalf of  ‘the masses’ in order to govern.  Most of these loans are still outstanding, the informed politicians know that there is no way of paying off this debt so instead, channel some of the ‘collected taxes’ from the government coffers to make interest only repayments on these loans.  These same politicians when forced to face ‘fiscal irregularities’ promise further ‘budget cutting’ exercises to gain more votes by governmental belt tightening in their attempt to reduce the deficit.  Let us be very clear here, deficit and debt are two entirely different monsters.  The deficit is the yearly balance/imbalance between what ‘comes in’ and what ‘goes out’ of the government coffers.  The debt is the accumulative unpaid loans that have been amassing over the decades.  If you are only repaying the interest on debts the debt never reduces.  If you decrease the yearly deficit occasionally, this still means you are borrowing ‘more money’ to make up the yearly shortfall, so the debt is still steadily increasing. 

Politicians are proud of their achievements when they decrease the deficit, but forget to tell you about the mountains of debt that can never be repaid.  This ‘kicking the can down the street’ conundrum and making the future generations responsible for that debt has become such a problem, it is now bankrupting ‘entire nations’.  Even the interest payments are now almost impossible to maintain while the debt is exponentially increasing.  The world is bankrupt.  The world has been bankrupted by a hundred years of successive governments and the naivety, stupidity and ignorance of politicians who either do not understand the situation or do not care about the outcome: all they care about is how long they can hold on to their privileged positions of power. 

This current situation of World Economics is outrageous. 100 years of governance under the political system of FPP (First Past Post) has favoured the game of Party Politics.  Again, it is outrageous that these politicians remain unaccountable for their actions over the last century through to the present day.  The responsibility for our present circumstances does not just lie at the feet of our politicians and their party games as there are others who are complicit in our World-Wide Social and Economic Catastrophe.  Indeed, it is necessary to more closely examine the antics of the ‘Tri-part Tag Team’ the major game players who have collectively engineered our societies over the decades and the conclusion of which has led us into the situation we find ourselves in today. 

This tri-part tag team with their hidden agendas has manipulated the conscious perception of ‘the masses’ into believing that the complex world we find ourselves in today, is best managed by them and the complexities of governance is beyond mere mortals.  This tag team is of course, made up primarily of the various Governmental Parties with their Politics and agendas, the National and International Bankers with their politics and agendas, and of course the National and International Corporations with their politics and agendas.  Let us be very clear here regarding the World Banking System, its Financing and Creation of New Money - we do not have a world monetary system based on money that is ‘real and tangible’ anymore, instead we have a world monetary system that is based on available credit.  This is an alarming situation to be in.  When the world monetary system was based on the Gold Standard this system was usually accompanied with a tighter fiscal responsibility by all, there was more transparency and accountability with less manipulation: although the whole process was still clouded with deceit and control, it was slightly easier to monitor as the Gold Reserves behind the currencies were ‘solid and tangible’ even though, usually ‘out of sight’.  However, the world Bankers abandoned this more fiscally responsible monetary system based on the Gold Standard and decided to just ‘print money’ instead, creating it from ‘thin air’. Alarm bells should have rung out very loud at this time. 

The governments around the world and their politicians have allowed the banks ‘carte blanche’ to do as they wish in return for an income stream of credit.  Let us also be very clear here, if you or I were facing bankruptcy with huge outstanding loans that we were unable to clear for many decades and could also only barely afford to pay ‘interest only’ payments, having successive years of income budget deficits to fund our lifestyle, there would not be a bank anywhere in the world that would keep lending us money.  However, this is not the case around the world with the relationship between Banks and Governments.  WHY?  National Governments could, if they wanted to, create their own money supply from ‘thin air’ and print this money accordingly, as and when it is required (we will return to this statement later), however, they do not. 

National Governments and their politicians have given this process over to the World Bankers who themselves now create ‘new money’ from ‘thin air’ and then provide an ‘income stream’ based on available credit back to these Governments, as and when required, the interest rate for which depends upon Rating Status.  Let us also be very clear here, as previously mentioned, the World Monetary system is not based on ‘money’ but ‘available credit’ and this credit comes in the form of Instruments. (An Instrument is a piece of paper stating its perceived value that is created by the Reserve Banks. It has a verification number for security and book keeping purposes).  These Instruments are usually printed in higher denominations of ‘notes’ with the lowest denomination usually being 100 million US Dollars/GB Pounds etc.  Many of these ‘notes’ are in the denomination of 1Billion US Dollars (known as a 1B note) through to regularly used 100 Billion US Dollars (known as a 100B note). These valueless pieces of paper have printed upon them a perceived value based upon the Reserve Banks' requirements and are little more than a promissory note for their accounting purposes. These pieces of paper (Instruments) have no real value; they are not based on anything that is tangible yet they are traded Internationally and are the part of a mechanism for moving money around the Financial Globe.  These Instruments are sold, exchanged, leveraged against and traded Internationally within the Phantom Economy.  Similarly, when a Government through a Reserve Bank requires more funding, it does so by issuing ‘Government Bonds’ that can also be purchased at the printed ‘face value’.  These Bonds are also ‘monetarily valueless’ as they are also based on an idea that somewhere out into the future they are worth their perceived ‘face value’ and that they have the ‘nation's currency’ as security blanket behind them.  The enticement for their purchase is a ‘yearly dividend’ paid out of the Nation's Monetary system ‘in cash’ the percentage of interest being based upon the ‘perceived stability’ of that Country’s Economy. 

In short, these Government Bonds have an ‘income stream’ attached to them that is paid directly to the owner or bearer of that Bond.  When a Nation's finances are healthy, these ‘interest dividends’ are relatively low, reflecting the ability for both the continuation of its ‘income stream’ and ultimately when the Bond (or Instrument) is surrendered back to its domiciled Nation on maturity, the payment can then be made on its ‘face value’.  In comparison, when a Country's Economic standing is distressed, the interest on these Government Bearer Bonds becomes excessively high, ‘draining’ the Nation's coffers.  As with most financing, the ‘Interest Rate’ is commensurate to the ‘Risk’.  You may ask ‘who the buyers of these Government Bonds are’ - particularly at a time when a Nation is facing fiscal hardship or even bankruptcy?  We are sure you have guessed the answer - the Global Banking System.  These Bankers are after the Real Economy Money.  So there we have it, the true nature of this symbiotic relationship is that one team member, in order to help out another team member, robs it, for the only part of the exchange that is real.  Let us also be very clear here: the Reserve Banks around the world are not part of our Governments but instead are Private Companies with Directors and Shareholders.  The name Reserve or Federal Bank is associated with these Private Institutions to legitimise them for the masses, however, they are separate entities and are not a formal part of Governments around the world.

This symbiotic relationship should become clearer between the Governments, their politicians and the World Bankers with their lines of credit, now that we have a better understanding of how these two parts of the ‘tag team’ play out their part in the grand illusionary monetary game within the ‘Phantom’ economy.  Governments and their politicians have at their disposal, an almost endless supply of credit based on ‘meaningless pieces of paper’, in return for, an ‘income stream’ of ‘tangible money’ that is based within the ‘tangible world of commerce’.   The Banks now receive a ‘tangible income flow’ or in other words, ‘real money’ to fill their coffers. 

The third member of this tag team are the National and International Corporations that exploit the masses and the world resources while engaging in manufacturing/producing and/or creating commerce Nationally and Internationally.  In return for favourable support from the Political Parties, together with any necessary legislation from that government in favour of that support, their activities are legitimised. These companies in return, fund the Political Parties and provide the necessary funding for the elaborate circuses held at election times.  For example, in the last elections when Obama was reinstalled in the USA, his election campaign cost in excess of 2 billion US Dollars.  An interesting footnote: you should not be too surprised to know that Obama came out of Political Obscurity, funded by International Corporations and Bankers as a political instrument under their control.  We have little more to say on this subject at this time and leave you to draw your own conclusions. 

The individual members of this tri-part tag team are of course ‘self serving’ and are primarily focused on their own activities and agendas, however, when it is necessary they will collude for mutual security and survival with the other members of the team.  This relationship over the past 100 years has been very successful and is now in total control of our beautiful planet and our resources, enslaving the masses.  Now they are engaged in the final part of their grand plan, the confiscation and transfer of wealth from around the world, leaving the masses disenfranchised Socially and Economically with little or no voice.

This tri-part tag team would have you believe that the world economic situation is reasonably healthy and at best, needs a little tweak.  However, let us be very clear here again: we will use the World GDP as a reference point.  GDP is the Gross Domestic Product the meaning of which is subject to many interpretations, however, it is a useful measure of the movement of Funds, Commodities, Governmental and Private Sector Expenditures and all the transactions through Commerce etc, etc.  The present World GDP is approximately, 800,000,000,000 (8 hundred trillion) US Dollars.  This includes all the World Banking activities, including Trading of Derivatives, Interest Rate Swaps, High Frequency Trading, the Trading in Government Bonds and Reserve Bonds and Instruments, Futures, Stocks and Bonds and all the various forms of Leveraging Assets and other Instruments, Government Expenditures World-Wide, Healthcare, Education, Welfare System, World and National Defence budgets, etc etc.    This also includes National and International Commerce generated from the Real Economy.   In short, World GDP is the combined total movement of all money ‘real and phantom’. 

Approximately, 600,000,000,000 (6 hundred trillion) US Dollars of this World GDP is the activities created through the National and International Bankers.  These Bankers would have you believe that their business and products are real and tangible, however, at best we will describe them as products of the Phantom Economy.  This Phantom Economy has no real asset base in the ‘real world’.   It is fictitious.  So, three quarters of the World GDP is fictitious.  Now let us look at the remaining 25 percent of the World GDP approximately, 200,000,000,000 (2 hundred trillion) US Dollars.  Just to put this into perspective, the total National US Government debt, plus its US Private debt now stands at approximately, 100,000,000,000 (1 hundred trillion) US Dollars.  Also remember, that the United States of America represents less than 3 percent of the world population.  Returning to the above 25 percent of the World GDP, if you strip out of this figure, most of the other excesses from Governments around the world, what we are left with is the real and tangible World Economy that is created from its Commerce, this would represent approximately 80,000,000,000 (80 trillion) US Dollars to 120,000,000,000 (120 trillion US Dollars).  This we will call the Real Economy where a community invests into its own manufacturing and producing commodities or commerce, engaging themselves in all aspects of this process and producing tangible products that are then bought, sold and consumed in the real world. 

It is difficult to put an exact number on the ‘tangible’ World GDP.  However, it would be approximately only 10 to 15 percent of the World GDP as discussed in the model above. (80 to 120 trillion US Dollars is still a very big number).  It is interesting to note that today in the United Kingdom approximately 87% of the GDP is derived from all the various types of Banking and Insurance activities, a large majority of which is conducted
 ‘off shore’ for the home market or for the Global Banking markets, in short –
this is the Phantom Economy.  The remaining approximately 13% is from the tangible manufacturing market place and its associated commerce, in short - this is the Real Economy.  If we compare the GDP from the phantom and real economies of both
the United Kingdom and the World GDP’s, they are remarkably similar.  It is also interesting to note, that Governments, now and in the past, in the United Kingdom together with International Corporations, manipulate and hide these figures. Indeed, in recent times, some of the largest International Companies have been accused of not paying any or insufficient taxes to their various host countries because of tax havens and the lack of any cohesive type of international authority that can monitor the true activities of some of these Giant Corporations globally.  It was only after public outrage that with some of these companies including Amazon, MacDonalds, Starbucks, to name just a few, pressure was brought to bear upon them as international companies to be more ‘socially responsible’ and to stop cheating the British Inland Revenue of its taxes.  Again, if you or I manipulated our income to avoid tax, we would be accused of defrauding the Inland Revenue so, there is an obvious double standard applied here.  These corporations either get away with paying ‘no tax’ or they themselves decide what compensation they are ‘prepared to make’ in their payment of taxes.  In short – this was the outcome with these above named companies, they choose what they are prepared to pay.

Today we are faced as previously mentioned, with the final part of the tri-part tag teams' plan for World Domination, a ‘One World Order’ based upon an all encompassing Fascist system that privileges only the very few.  In reality, from an historical point of view this seems to have always been the way.  The masses have been mistreated and mismanaged one way or another, by those upon whom they had placed their trust or by those who had seized control.  This last part of the trilogy is well underway: this is where they strip away decades of accumulated wealth from ‘the masses’ and transfer it to their own accumulated wealth.  This theft is now particularly more visible within the comfortable middle classes having their standard of living reduced.  The Governments and Politicians are complicit in this final disgraceful act of theft by introducing Austerity.  Tightening one's belt by making Cuts and Savings in an administrative Government regime that has grown out of all proportion is one thing, however, attempting to pretend to be fiscally responsible and remove Social Support from the masses without replacing it with a more workable system, is deplorable.  Governments around the world want their Economies to grow in tangible and real ways ‘the Real Economy’ in order to create higher taxable incomes from the creation of ‘real employment’ that is both sustainable and profitable, topping up the Government coffers.  However, when Governments introduce ‘Austerity’ accompanied with removing vast amounts of tangible money from the economy, it is at best, gross fiscal negligence or a gross violation of trust given to the Government by ‘the masses’.  In our present Economic and Social system the largest single employer is that of the State, funding all manner of projects and Social Services.  When there is a major ‘belt tightening’ programme introduced from within this system, the money supply necessary for the economy to work and grow is now being removed by the Government itself.   Equally so, when the Banks also engage themselves in a belt tightening programme, often imposed by Governments, they withdraw or remove vast amounts of CREDIT that puts enormous pressure on Commerce and the Real Economy.  You cannot expect an Economy to grow while you remove a large portion of its tangible asset base and lines of credit, by closing down the supply of its money, all of which is absolutely essential for businesses to grow and prosper.  

All our societies World-Wide face Economic and Social Bankruptcy under this style of governance: the Banking Institutions, International Corporations, Governments and their Politicians have all been complicit in this deception and together they have co-created this deplorable situation.  This system has now failed us.  Similarly, the outdated ‘not fit for purpose’ Russian styled Communist Party also failed.  The so called, ‘Free Market Forces’ that have been operating for the last 100 years have also failed us.  By not placing any or too few ‘checks and balances’ to regulate the activities of the Banking Sectors and large Corporations, collectively, they have now failed us and are ‘not fit for purpose’.   Perhaps, it is now time to look towards NMP for a more sustainable, fairer and more equitable form of governance globally. 

It is most important to have a full understanding of why a system has failed if we require a new system that does not follow the same path as our current system.  It is for this reason that it is necessary to look at another statement in a previous discussion in the footnote accompanying the protocols in Light of Humanity - It is also necessary that everyone in all communities contribute ‘one way or another’ into that community.  We will explore this topic in our next discussion as it follows on from here, PATHWAYS FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY.

Sent on the Loving Waves of Upliftment.




This part of our on-going discussion is primarily focused upon ‘why’ our governments, politicians and their party politics are unwilling to reform themselves, and this includes tighter regulation on the banking institutions and the Corporate World. 

Collectively, the western-style economies have locked our global monetary system into a Global type of Financialisation that is based on CREDIT.  This Financialisation on a National level has created such a severe problem for governments and their politicians that they have found themselves in an impasse and are ‘unable or unwilling’ with what they know, to drastically reform the entire Financialisation of that state or country. 

We will use an analogy here to explain why we are all now part of the crisis.  Imagine a person who is a drug addict and is heavily dependant upon Cocaine but tries to lead a normal life.  Fortunately for this addict he/she meets and falls head over heals with admiration with their perfect partner, who is wealthy, attractive and with good social skills.  Then, after they have married the addict discovers that their spouse is a successful drug dealer, who explains that these activities are ‘just business’ and they personally ‘do not take drugs’.  Perhaps after some soul searching the addict may feel slightly betrayed, however, now finds themselves in drug heaven.  All they have to do now is ‘toe the line’ and they are set for life. 

Substitute ‘drug addict’ for ‘governments’ and substitute ‘the wealthy drug dealer’ for the ‘national and international financialisation’ of our economies.  As previously discussed, our governments are heavily dependant upon loans to balance the yearly Deficits they find themselves in.  These loans are continuously taken out year upon year and are added to the National Debt that keeps climbing and in reality, can never be repaid or the debt cleared.  Now imagine, a consumer based society where a government decides to limit the ‘available credit’ to these consumers.   This will result in a corresponding catastrophic loss of tax revenues!  How many less houses do you think would be sold if the Banks imposed a 20% or 25% Saved Deposit; how many less new cars would be sold if there was required a 25% to 30% Cash Deposit on these loans, and if the 0% or very low percentage interest rates were to be scrapped to match Banks personal loan lending rates?  Apply the same criteria to the home furnishing markets and the many complimentary industries that service the general consumption of goods in our western style economies.  In other words, our National Governments are ‘heavily’ dependant upon the ‘taxes’ that they collect.  Some of these taxes are visible to the consumer and employees while other taxes are not so visible through the consumerism consciousness of our economies.   Nevertheless governments depend on taxes collected.  In theory, Award wage’ earners should pay little or no taxes. Conversely, highly paid executives and professionals, again in theory, have larger incomes and pay lots of tax into the governments coffers.  The only major way a government funds itself beyond these taxes is through International Loans as previously discussed. However, in reality, increasingly within the current 'system', the tax burden falls upon those who earn less and those described as 'middle class'. This is especially so with 'indirect' taxes. Highly paid executives and professionals also have access to creative accounting and creative accountants, able to maximize expenses and minimize real tax liabilities'. So, yet again, those in the middle and with the least capacity (the majority), are forced to take up the slack and the burden. When this is allied with cuts to entitlements and benefits, the overall load increases.'

It should be clear to the reader that the western style of Financialisation is now severely problematic.  Governments now find themselves in a position that they can not reign in the National and International Banking sectors, hence the expression “too big to fail’; neither can they reign in the National and the International Corporations for the same reasons.  One provides the ‘available credit’ and the other provides ‘the commodities for consumerism’.  It is this situation that our governments will not address and they will certainly not discuss with you - what your governments will not tell you.

'Let us now look at the political situation in New Zealand especially now that John Key and his National (Conservative) style government have been given another term in office by the majority of New Zealand voters who actually voted.  Again, he has a clear mandate from the majority of voting New Zealanders to continue with his National style politics and party vision, however, some 1 million people did not vote. As previously mentioned in another discussion, effectively, there is no real difference between Labour (Socialism) governance and National (Conservative) governance, in the respect of ‘they are detached from the reality of the majority’ of New Zealanders and pursue their own style of politics and agendas with little care or consideration for the individual.   However, there is ‘one’ fundamental difference between these two parties. 

At the core of Conservatism (National) is the belief that ‘wealth creation’ and the corresponding affluence of a Nation is driven through entrepreneurship, the success of which creates employment and opportunities.  It is through this consumerism and abundance that ‘wealth creation’ filters throughout the economy and uplifts the majority.  Under Conservative governments Privatisation programmes are usually pursued wherever possible.  Whereas, at the core of Socialism (Labour) is the belief to ‘look after the interests of the working masses’ and this is accomplished through the redistribution of wealth by handouts and higher taxes on the wealthy.  In reality, Socialist governments tend to grow out of ‘all proportions’ in their attempt to create a fairer society.  This administrative dinosaur becomes a great financial burden on the taxation system as well as intrusive upon the individual’s way of life. And under Socialism, governments pursue a programme of Nationalisation wherever possible. 

From memory, up until the decade or so of ‘Clarkism’ there was something like, 4,500 laws on the statutory books from the formation of the first governments 100 years earlier in New Zealand and then during the reign of Helen Clark and her Socialist Government, a further 4,000 laws were added to the statutory books in only their ten year reign.  As you can see, both styles of party politics have not really served New Zealanders well, even with MMP: the political games are still being played out and party agendas prioritised.  Again, NNP (No More Politics) is the way forward. 

Let's look at the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA).  Under a Conservative government in New Zealand with the above analogy, this agreement equates to a very successful International drug dealer inviting a National drug dealer into its financial hub.  So we can expect through this agreement the continuation of hidden agendas and its politics all negatively impinging upon every New Zealander's liberty. In addition to this, International Corporations will be taking financial control of National interests sanctioned by the government, with their misguided politics that new lines of credit and new market places will be available to New Zealand and that all New Zealanders will benefit, all in alignment with the core Conservative beliefs.  Any amount of demonstration and opposition to this treaty will have little or no effect on a National Government. These treaties or agreements are at the core of Conservatism.  It is like expecting a leopard to change its spots if you want to reverse or eliminate this type of politics.  We are not saying, do not demonstrate or voice your opposition to anything, what we are saying, is understand your adversary.  Similarly, the political outcome at the last elections with the two alternative parties that some supported, entered the political arena of playing dirty politics and, the outcome should have been no surprise.  The major parties have had over 100 years of playing dirty politics and relative new comers are very easily dispensed with.  The large parties have vast experience in dealing with what they would view as an irritation.  A wonderful experience in the respect of showing what can happen under MMP and party politics, hopefully, never to be repeated if we learn through the experience.   Yet again, we remind you of NMP.

Sent on the Loving Waves of Upliftment.




Further to our discussion regarding a new style of governance, we have now taken the first essential and prudent step in bringing forth a new ‘understanding for humanity’.  Before we consider any changes within our Global Governance we must first have a new understanding of how we have collectively arrived at our present situation today with a very disconnected style of governance resulting in a very broken culture that increasingly disenfranchises the masses and rewards the privileged with more power and materialism. 

It is most important to have a fuller understanding of why a system has failed if we require a new system that does not follow the same path as our current system.  It is for this reason that it is necessary to look at another statement in a previous discussion in the footnote accompanying the protocols of NMP in the Light of Humanity - It is also necessary that everyone in all communities contribute ‘one way or another’ into that community.  We will explore this topic now in this discussion of Pathways for Social Responsibility.

As previously discussed in Understanding Humanity, we spoke at length concerning the ‘tri-part tag team’ exploits, that are now in total control on our beautiful planet.  Indeed, in brief summary, these three protagonists represent in broad terms the three areas within our society that require a complete ‘makeover’ ie; Governance, Banking and Commerce.  It is the reforms within Governance that we shall consider first.  

Recent history has shown us very clearly that if a society, culture or civilization want a change and ‘the masses’ within that society grouped together and forced a change through a social revolution, the outcome is definitely ‘not assured’.  When in this type of situation, the ‘civil unrest’ culminates in the desire and commitment for change, there occurs a ‘tipping point’ for change.  This historically means, that some form of ‘confrontation’ occurs to bring about a change, resulting in a change of the status quo, and the existing style of governance preceding the social revolution is temporarily arrested, causing a power vacuum.  This is potentially the most dangerous situation that a society in need of change has to pass through.  If there is a clear path into a new elevation for a social society, then this pre-planned or well thought out strategy, supplies both purpose and direction for this cause.

Indeed, in recent times we only need to look at the disastrous results in what the media calls, the Arab Spring.  Here we can clearly see the result of what happens if you do not have a clear cohesive well planned strategy for both a change of governance and a clear well planned blue print for a New Society.  In this northern part of Africa ‘the masses’ collectively decided ‘enough was enough’, they were fatigued through the tyranny of their masters and no longer feared the inevitable outcome of their demonstrations.  This was particularly evident with the disenfranchised youth who became the power-force for the social revolution for change.  Their demonstrations were affective and effective, drawing further support from the equally disenfranchised residents who took a more cautious/conservative approach: the ranks of protestors swelled and the confrontations culminated in a ‘stand off’ that created the power vacuum as described above.  Indeed, the disenfranchised youth and their supporters (the masses) wanted something better, something fairer, something more equitable for everyone; a more humanitarian and uplifted civil society, a very noble cause, however, they did not have a cohesive plan that would survive through this power vacuum.  With the youthful exuberance of the protestors, came the naivety that if you force your adversary into submission then somehow everything else would take care of itself and a better future would be assured for all.  History shows us that this was not to be the case.  State after state in this part of northern Africa, inspired by the actions of each other, followed the same path and fell like dominos, one after another and to their shock and horror, their cause was ‘high-jacked’ by other dark forces that seized control out of this power-vacuum. 

Similarly, the same could be said for the Iranians when ‘the masses’ over threw the Shah in recent history.  Equally so, this was the case in Iraq when Sadam Hussain with the help of the Americans, was removed from power.  This list goes on and on and on…. country after country after country, has experienced the same social chaos, culminating in an even worse social situation than was had before.  There must be a plan – a blue print for social change that everyone desiring change understands fully and is totally committed to, during its implementation.

Fortunately, history shows us that there are some social blue prints that do in actuality work along the lines of our discussion that are fairer, more equitable and sustainable and have managed to stand the test of time.  These civil societies are still around today, however, they are not very visible in the western world.  Indigenous cultures that have a close relationship with nature for thousands of years on our beautiful planet have discovered this truth and have harnessed the energy of co-operation.  When you introduce competition into a society and you have different factions within that society competing for a prize or an outcome that advantages only them, confrontations are almost guaranteed.  In contrast, when a society finds mutual co-operation and devises a society based upon this ‘mutual co-operation’ relative harmony, satisfaction and purpose in those achievements results. 

We are not suggesting here that we forgo all of the technological advances that have been made over the many recent decades or so, in all manor of technologies including in Health, Education; the tremendous advances of all the Sciences and Engineering, Information technologies etc etc.  These technologies are also who we have become.   In brief, let us look at a blueprint for a new Social Society based on all of these aspects. 

To recap:

A New Social Society that includes a deep connection to our beautiful planet Earth.

A Social Society that harnesses the energy of co-operation and continues with all of the new technologies that assists in a positive more harmonious way of living.

A Social Society that has absolutely no use for arms and weaponry and all the associated technologies that are harmful to any of our New Societies and mother Earth, and all that live upon her including many of our precious resources.

A Social Society that has no need of a fictitious or real monetary system that can been converted into a product that can be bought, sold and manipulated for personal gain. 

A Social Society that has freely harnessed the unlimited and Universally available energy of LOVE in co-operation and mutual respect of All Life. 

Of course, there are many other uplifting elements that can be added to this list, filtered through the minds and imagination of the reader. 

This blue print is simple and easily obtainable: all that is required is the desire and commitment to recreate such a society. 

We would like to ‘jump’ forward momentarily here and continue to outline this blue print that would inspire the reader’s imagination to co-create this very achievable, new elevated reality, for all of humanity.  We spoke earlier that there were three major elements within our present dysfunctional civil society that need urgent reform or change - Governments with their Political Parties and politicians – The World Bankers and their National and International Financing – National and International Corporations and their clandestine activities. 

Let us now look at the world of Financing and Banking.  Let us imagine that this New Social Society operating with the new consciousness of NMP, decides to abandon its connection with this corrupting monetary regime that we have at present.  Let us start a discussion around the essentials in life in this New Social Society. 

For the purposes of creative flow let us first imagine a Social Society on a micro level, at a Community level, this then only needs to be expanded to encompass the Global or macro Social level, for a Global Blue Print.

We can first look at Food and its Production. This small community values its members that produce all the necessary food to healthily feed the entire community.  This self-elected responsibility of food production within the community takes care of this task and in return the rest of the community look after them and all of their needs, in all other manner of activities.  Now let us take shelter from the elements, for example housing: this small community also values its members that provide all the necessary building and maintenance skills for dwellings that comfortably house the entire community.  These valued members of the community who have elected to take on this responsibility are now looked after by the rest of the community who provide and look after the rest of their other needs.  Education, Healthcare, Care of our Aged and all the other Socially Redeeming Projects that advantages everyone within the community etc, etc, are all dealt with in the same manner.  There would be no need for money, ‘money’ as we know it in this current civil society.  Mother Earth provides the soil to grow the food in, the seeds the food is grown from, the water that brings essential life into all manner of things, the rocks that we build our shelter from, the minerals that we construct our machines and technologies from, the air that we breath, in short, all the gifts that mother Earth freely supplies all of humanity has now in our current civil society been commercially high-jacked and a monetary value placed upon it.  In short, what should be freely available and gifted to every one on this planet, has now been high-jacked commercially with a price placed upon it by a culture that creates a ‘demand for a product’, then ‘controls its supply’ to ‘advantage the few’. 

We would now like to return to our present social system and its dysfunctional way of governance and look at the Nanny State.  It should be clear to the reader that the current form of this politically motivated Nanny State has failed.  The main contributing factor of this failure, not withstanding the political agendas of Party Politics, is that ‘collectively’ we have abandoned taking responsibility ourselves for such a blue print as mentioned above and placed that responsibility onto a system of governance that is both disconnected from the masses and is primarily concerned in its own party politics.  Indeed, within our current system we have collectively abandoned the responsibility of creating our own more equitable and fair communal way of living and given that power away to those who clearly have mismanaged this responsibility, and are unable to be the architects of a fair and equitable system of ‘inclusivity’ for everyone, but instead has created ‘exclusivity’ and is clearly not fit for purpose anymore.  

Indeed, we have placed an economic or commercial value into every aspect of our lives that has allowed the tri-part tag team community to control every aspect of our lives.  These team members have then constructed a system that ‘meters out’ all that was freely available, creating an ‘interrupted flow’ of these goods and services, that have consequently created supply and demand issues.  Under this current system, we live under the umbrella of a ‘toil and consume’ market place with never having ‘quite enough’ in all manner of things in our lives.  The masses are forced to prioritize between spending their hard earned income on the ‘essentials of life’ or the ‘luxuries of life’.  Most now, are forced to forgo the luxuries of life and struggle to pay for the essentials of life. 

In this blue print for a New Social Society, it is clear that we have to retake full responsibility for every aspect of our lives and not expect someone else to deal with our problems on our behalf.  This was our error of judgment in the past, trusting others to be responsible for our own lives, this is when we gave our power away and it is here that we can now take that power back and regain all that is rightfully ours.  In reality, the Nanny State did not fail us, we failed it: it did not live up to all of our expectations, we now have to collectively take responsibility for that.  There should be no blame and judgment here, as we all were instrumental in its co-creation along with the misguided Politicians who thought the Nanny State was a good idea.  This current system simply does not work. 

A new and Elevated Social Responsibility is required to be taken on by every person in this new blue print for a new future, where everyone contributes.  Even if you were incapacitated, for whatever reason, and reduced to an immobile life confined to a wheelchair, a purpose and contribution into the New Social Society could still be for example, reading to the elderly, participating in the teaching process and guidance in schools.  The elderly suffering with Alzheimer’s (a modern disease, based on confusion of thought that will eventually disappear in this New Social Society) can still participate in social activities, in all manner of ways.  The formerly unemployed or underemployed, can now give up this ‘career path’ and re-enter the community by being an ‘active participant’ one way or another within the socially redeeming projects.  What is important here is that we have to elevate ourselves beyond the idea that you can get ‘something for nothing’ when in actuality, it is paid for or it has been made the responsibility of somebody else.  This is the very core of the Nanny State’s philosophy. 

In the Western world, particularly in our current civil societies, many from the masses believe that the Government owes them something.  These same souls have somewhere in their consciousness, disenfranchised themselves from ‘giving’ to a consciousness of just ‘receiving’ and then somehow they have also managed to delineate between contributions made by other tax-payers as their rightful Social Gifts that the Government somehow owes them.  Simply put, this New Elevated consciousness in a New Social Society operating with NMP philosophy also requires a reframing of ‘how can I contribute to this communityrather thanwhat does this community owe me’ 

We trust this message is of greater assistance and now look forward to your valued input. 

Our Love sent on the Waves of Upliftment.




We would like to take the opportunity and refresh the reader's mind of the journey we all face as a ‘One Humanity’ into our future recreation of a New Social Society that is based upon fairness, equality and an uplifted conscious awareness, where we may all as a One Humanity, exist together in co-operation, living and celebrating our Oneness in the Frequency of Love. 

We have discussed at length the tri-part factions of our present Global Society that is no longer fit for purpose, that is; the National and International Banking System, the Political Governance of our planet both Nationally and Internationally, and the National and International Corporations all of which have conspired, one way or another, to seize an ‘iron grip’ control of our entire global population, suiting their own politics and agendas.  It is this new ‘nobility’ that controls our present ‘Neo-feudal Economy’ that has made us all slaves to their ‘crony capitalism’.  This new nobility now reside in their castles and towers around our beautiful planet Earth that we all call home. 

As previously discussed, this current system is beyond any tweaking if we require a new and uplifted outcome as described above. Instead, it requires a major overhaul and in many instances a completely ‘new version’ of ethics. The journey we are all about to adventure into is really quite ‘straight forward’. 
A great starting place here, would be to imagine a destination point somewhere along a timeline into our future creation of the required New Social Society. 
We have spoken of this before; ‘the big story’ and in it everything that we could imagine. An harmonious society based upon fairness, equality and an uplifted conscious awareness. 
If we require a new and uplifted outcome it would therefore be prudent to have a strong vision of what we require.  We do not want to find ourselves in a situation where we have lost our way, floundering in our own naivety and lack of purpose or where we recreate the same situation or conditions that have contributed to our present very broken Societies.  Indeed, the big story should have no constraints in its uplifted consciousness: all that is required is imagination - the journey into that imagination, is then straightforward.  We have suggested that several principles be employed here as our companions during this process, namely;

The Three Absolutes
The Four Protocols
Aspirational Consciousness
Reformational Consciousness
Inclusiveness and Goodness
Precautionary Principle.  

The Precautionary Principle is the focus that needs to be our constant companion, reminding us of the wisdom gained from past experiences that have led us into our current broken system.  An example of which is our National and International Monetary System that the Banks and our Politicians have favoured.  Let us look at our Banking and Political situation here in New Zealand in order to fully understand this aspect more comprehensively and to do this we need a deeper understanding of what constitutes a National Currency and how the recognition and acceptance of its status fits Internationally.  As previously discussed, the Financialisation of our Economies has morphed from one that was partially centred in a Monetary System, loosely based on a Gold Standard into one that is now based upon Available Credit and dependant upon your status.  So what actually defines a National Currency if it is no longer based on actual money; however, is recognised Nationally and Internationally, the answer to that question seems complex at first but can be simply understood if you take your mind into the Monetary Illusion that is consistent in our present Monetary System. 

Confidence, yes it is that simple.  The idea of a Monetary System was first created as a way of payment for Goods and Services rendered as part of either a Bartering System or for Wages and Taxes to be collected.  This system was initially created by Kings and Queens, Emperors, Rulers and some of our Religious Institutions for their convenience of which later our Local, National and International Commerce relied upon.  This Monetary System was based upon tangible precious metals.  Over time, these currencies were expressed through promissory notes backed by real and tangible assets.  Then through time, these real and tangible assets diminished as confidence was gained in these promissory notes. 
Internationally, at these present times, there is a Currency War being played out Globally.  If you are a country that relies upon exporting goods and services a lower International value for your currency is preferred, making your exports more competitive on the World Markets, however, your Imports are then effectively more expensive through the diminished value of your currency.  Here it is important to understand the Big Game Players in the Global Markets who have in actuality, hijacked the Global Monetary System and are now the creators of New Money that is now literally printed and is backed by nothing that is tangible apart from perceived confidence.  

These major Game Players are the US with their Dollar through the Federal Reserve and Private Banks; the EU with the Euro through the EU Central Banks and their Private Banks; the UK Pound through the Bank of England and their Private Banks; the Swiss Franc through their National and Private Banks; the Russians with the Rouble through their State and Private Banks; the Japanese Yen through their National and Private Banks and China with the Yuan and their Central Banks…….. and the list continues.  However, all of these Game Players have amassed, one way or another, immense fortunes in precious metals of Gold, Silver and Platinum, Paper Money based on Promissory Notes, Bonds and Instruments from around the World and with the exception of Switzerland, their National Currencies are underpinned by huge Populations and enormous Economies ie’ the US population 350 million (the largest Economy of the world), the EU (27 countries) population of 650 million, the UK population 65 million, Japan population 125 million, China population 1.4 billion (the second largest Economy of the world). 
What these countries all have in common is Global Confidence and a level of stability that allows National and International Commerce to operate in a reasonably secure way.  In reality, all of these Currencies and the Nations that stand behind them, apart from Switzerland, are bankrupt with debts that can not ever be repaid and are on the precipice of a Financial meltdown.  These Countries' Politicians and Bankers including International Speculators, keep limping this broken system along a path of no return and an inevitable collapse in the very near future.    

Let us return to the New Zealand dollar.  New Zealand is not a Party Member with the big Monetary Game Players who create their Currency out of thin air.  Neither are they a Game Player who can create their own Credit Nationally or Internationally.  New Zealand is a very beautiful country and is a precious jewel upon our beautiful planet Earth, however, in a Global Commerce and Banking Market place it is a minute Trading Partner that has no external control in any of these markets and is subject to these corrupt World Market matters.  
What New Zealand does have is a currency that has a high level of confidence.  Let us further explain.  What brings confidence to a National Currency is firstly, the National belief in the Security in its own Currency, secondly that it is backed by substantial Assets that the entire Nation is a party to – land values
Every part of New Zealand is divided into small parcels of land allocated with a title number and owner.  Every parcel of land in New Zealand has a title and an owner either Privately or State owned, further more, a value has been placed on every titled block contained within New Zealand with a rateable value assigned to it, which is paid yearly into the Government coffers and has been the case for the past say, 100 years.  
So, for an Investor investing into New Zealand, the New Zealand Currency is underpinned by hundreds of billions worth of New Zealand property that has generally speaking, the agreement of all New Zealanders and hundreds of millions of New Zealand dollars are paid annually in Taxes on these perceived land values. 

New Zealand also has a good track record of taking out International Loans to fund Deficits in Government spending and/or for National Projects with both the ability to Service the Loans or Repay them in their entirety.  In addition to this, New Zealand is also an exporter in Primary Industries and has an Internationally valued scientific and technical expertise that is also exported.  On the opposite side of the coin so to speak, New Zealand is heavily reliant on all types of Imported Goods that it is unable or unwilling to manufacture or supply itself.  However, overall, it is a solid and stable Economy with Confidence.

Should New Zealand not follow the Precautionary Principle when re-evaluating its International Currency status by implementing changes that are attempting to tweak the Monetary System into favour for New Zealanders rather than being a mere pawn in a game that is controlled mainly by the above mentioned external Game Players, then we may find ourselves out of the frying pan into the fire, so to speak, facing a total collapse of our own Economies. 

Precautionary Principle - History has shown many examples of the dire consequences when meddling with the very tenuous balance of National Currency, Internationally.  Remember, the value of a Currency is not determined by the host Nation, but instead, assessed Internationally on its stability and a complex formula is applied to establish its International status and value that ultimately determines the quality of life of all that inhabit that Nation.  These external forces are usually Economically motivated and are often very unfair to an entire Nation and its people. 
An example of this type of catastrophe in recent history is Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia).  Robert Mugabe (now President of Zimbabwe) had what he thought was a great a plan.  He saw that his country was being exploited by external forces and felt they were diminishing the life value of most Zimbabweans.  He envisioned a One Party State.  Also the owners of the lands that were legally bought and owned by non-indigenous peoples were encouraged to hand back their land with little or no compensation to the indigenous peoples.  He also wanted to remove the non-indigenous Governments from their seats of power and replace them with members of his Political Party, the Zanu-PF. 
The former Rhodesia was the ‘breadbasket’ for the whole of Africa, providing most of the produce for home consumption and was a major exporter of the same produce to neighbouring countries in Africa, the Economy was buoyant with an evolving level of scientific agricultural development.  Within a two-year period of governance, President Robert Mugabe through his plan managed to destroy the Zimbabwean Economy through the confiscation of land.  The indigenous people did not have the expertise or the work ethic to grow the produce as formally carried out by the non-indigenous entrepreneurs.  International Confidence swiftly and severely diminished with the confiscation of land with little or no reimbursement to its former non-indigenous landowners.   The Economy severely diminished from a vibrant net Exporting Nation to one that required food subsidisation from its neighbours and International sources for approximately 80% of its population. 
Zimbabwe’s Currency was deemed non-tradable on International markets; previously-made Loans remained unpaid and un-serviced in their repayments, so, President Robert Mugabe was unable to take out new International Loans to help feed his now compromised and starving masses.  And as an interim measure, he decided to tinker with the Banking System because the Tax Credits from the employed, self-employed and companies dried, up creating a huge hole in the Government coffers, in turn creating huge problems funding Governmental responsibilities to its Nation. 

He thought, if other countries can just print money, so could he.  Immediately, the Zimbabwean dollar devalued and hyperinflation grew, some weeks by over a thousand percent.  This was the final nail in the coffin, so to speak: all confidence was lost in this new Government's ability to run the country in a stable fashion and no confidence whatsoever, in loaning this new Government, International Funds.  The Nation responded to this bankruptcy by growing an internal black market in commerce, adopting other countries currencies in preference to the Zimbabwean dollar that was close to being worthless in spite of Mugabe’s Government saying otherwise.  Zimbabwe is now bankrupt Economically, Socially and Morally. 
The non-indigenous workforce and entrepreneurs took their skills to neighbouring countries where now they prosper and have made new lives for themselves.  Indeed, history is a great teacher in the lesson of life and the Precautionary Principle when applied to these historical events forms an invaluable guide when making decisions.  We are not comparing New Zealand with Zimbabwe; what we are making is a comparison with ‘what not to do’ when tinkering in the State of Affairs of a Country. 

It may become obvious to the reader that for the last several thousand years our Monetary System along with Governments, Politicians and their Politics, have been steadily corrupting these systems, disenfranchising the masses by playing out their games with little or no regard to the individual.  In all of these respects, a tweak to the systems is insufficient and not really worthy of too much of our attention.  What is required is the total dismantling of these currently-operating systems that are no longer fit for purpose.  Indeed, the entire Global Monetary System, as explained before, is actually based upon Confidence, or in truth, Lack of Confidence.  This being the case, right now, right today we could exchange a dollar, pound, euro, yen for a hug, yes a hug; it is that simple.  The wheel of Commerce could still keep turning.  So when you buy your groceries you could even give an extra few ‘hug dollars’ to the grocer for kindly supplying you with your shopping list, the same could be said when purchasing fuel for your car, when paying your taxes or repaying your mortgage.  Yes this may sound simplistic, however our World Currencies are actually based on nothing but perceived confidence, an illusion to which we all subscribe.   With this ‘hug dollar’ there would be required a huge uplifted change in Consciousness within Humanity otherwise, the shelves in all our retail stores would empty very quickly as many people would selfishly fill their homes with whatever they thought they were owed or required, giving nothing back in return. 

Why have a Monetary System at all if you have a Social Society that lives in Co-operation?  Dear reader, we can easily have a New Social Society that has suspended the need for a Revised Monetary System, all we collectively need to do through our Reverse Social Engineering process is to start diminishing the need for a National Currency.  We want to diminish the necessity and reliance to levels that are Nationally sustainable, eventually removing the necessity for an Internal Currency to support our way of life, however, maintaining and growing a vibrant and creative manufacturing and scientific technologies for our Home Consumption as well as for Export.  We do not want to diminish the value of our currency Nationally or Internationally.   Yes, all we have to do is not be so reliant on a Currency to meet our everyday way of life.  As an interim measure, our aim is to become more self-sufficient and responsible for our own Health and Welfare and not expect a Handout or Freebie by the Nanny State, as discussed previously. 

Most importantly what is required NOW, is the consciousness of New Zealanders as a One Nation of people, ALL moving together, on the same journey into a higher elevation of Co-operation and Oneness.  To achieve this end, first we must forgive ourselves for all of our own indiscretions that may have occurred throughout our lifetime, forgive all others for their indiscretions past and present and treat every single New Zealander as Special and Unique with NO EXEPTIONS.  If we are going to adventure on this journey together, we must All accept that we have ourselves co-created with our ancestors, this present society that we now live in: we must transcend the perceptions of Victimhood.  There are no Victims; everything in life is a co-creation on one level or another: this may not be immediately apparent to the reader if you want to remain in blame and judgment, feeling disenfranchised for one thing or another or for what has happened 50 years ago, a 100 years ago or 150 years ago.  Remember, our future is always more of the NOW: if your focus is in the past then you bring the past into your NOW and in that case, your future will be more of the NOW.  Yes, that is right, it is time for us all to let go of the past and forgive!  This is the only way to journey into an uplifted future together as a One Nation, and then as a Global Nation existing in an elevated frequency of awareness.  We are the architects of our own future, this is an enormous responsibility to ourselves, our future generations, it is very achievable and is our rightful inheritance. 

All of our Love sent on the waves of Upliftment.